Annotation is the practice of adding interpretative linguistic information, known also as tags and/or labels, to words, or sets of words of a text or a corpus. Annotation can be done both in raw data as well as in data that have already been processed.

There are several types of annotation, corresponding to different levels of linguistic analysis of a text or a corpus. For example, tags, or labels, added to a word or a set of words can provide information about the word class to which words in a text belong (Part Of Speech Tagging), the lemma of a word (Lemmatization), the morpho-syntactic features (MorphoSyntactic Tagging) or the syntactic structure (Syntactic Parsing) as well as the semantic features or the semantic fields of the words in a text (Semantic Annotation). Other types of annotation are Discourse Annotation, by adding information about anaphoric links in a text, or pragmatic information like speech acts (Pragmatic Annotation) and stylistic features such as speech and thought presentation (Stylistic Annotation).

Corpus annotation is a useful tool both for recalling and retrieving information from large volumes of data, training new language processing tools, or adapting tools that have already been developed to new subject fields and ad hoc research questions.

CLARIN:EL annotation tools:

Hypothesis is an open source annotation tool for the annotation of Web pages and PDF documents. It can be used to create notes, highlights, and replies.

Hypothesis annotation tool is available through the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure and it can be used by all registered and/or non-registered users.

To start annotating using Hypothesis you need to create a free account and then add Hypothesis Annotation tool extension to your Chrome browser.

For more information please view the metadata record of Hypothesis in the CLARIN:EL Central Inventory or consult user manuals and guides (in Greek).

CLARIN:EL offers access to WebAnno, a certified web annotation service that has been developped by the Faculty of Computer Science of Technische Universität Darmstadt and is available through the CLARIN-D Research Infrastructure. WebAnno, is a user-friendly environment that has been developed for the annotation of texts. More specifically, the user can create his own annotation project/s and upload the data that he or she wishes to annotate. It is a multi-user tool supporting different roles such as annotator, curator, and project manager. The progress and quality of annotation projects can be monitored and measuered in terms of inter-annotator agreement. Multiple annotation projects can be conducted in parallel.

Access to CLARIN:EL annotation service with the environment of WebAnno is open to all registered users that have previously logged in to CLARIN:EL Central Inventory.

For more information please view the metadata record of WebAnno in the CLARIN:EL Central Inventory or consult user manuals and guides (in Greek).