CLARIN:EL Datathons 2021: Documentation and processing of language data in the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure
The ILSP/ "ATHENA" RC and the Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Langage Research and Innovation "APOLLONIS" organized two specialized workshops (datathons) on the creation, documentation and processing of language data in the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure. The CLARIN:EL Datathons took place online on 13 & 18 October 2021. The participants had the opportunity to experiment with the creation, documentation, sharing and processing of their own language data using the CLARIN:EL services as well as neural Natural Language Processing tools provided by the Infrastructure.
Datathon / Training event
Summer School 2021 "Language Technology and Social Sciences & Humanities: a new research methodology"
The 1st CLARIN:EL Summer School (online event) took place on 6-8 July 2021. The Summer School was attended by 75 participants (selected from a total of approximately 240 applications), with backgrounds on Library Science, Linguistics, Language studies and Literature, Education, History/Archaeology, Computer Science, Digital Humanities and Political and Social Sciences. The participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the basic concepts of Language Technology and Language Resources, take a deep dive into data collection, curation and processing, to discover LT-based applications and to hear out about the role of national and European Language Resources & Technologies Infrastructures. During the 3-day Summer School, the participants also familiarized themselves through hands-on workshops with the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure, the curation of resources and the use of NLP tools.
Summer School
Presentation of the new CLARIN:EL Central Inventory Version (3.0)
Presentation of the new version of the CLARIN:EL Central Inventory to the members of the national network on: i) Central Inventory Homepage and catalogue of language resources, tools and/or language processing web services, ii) Registration, types of registered users, rights and permissions, personilized user Dashboard serving both as an overview page (information on the user's resources, tasks, processing jobs) and an entry point to create resources and use workflows, iii) Navigating the infrastructure - browsing, searching, viewing, downloading and processing, iv) New CLARIN:EL user manual. The presentation was held using GoToMeeting platform.
Training / Informative event
Seminar: Interpretive discourse analysis in the digital age
Presentation of the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructre in the seminar "Interpretive discourse analysis in the digital age", organized by the Hellenic Political Science Association and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Training / Informative event
8th CLARIN:EL Webinar: "Verbal Aggression as an Indicator of Xenophobic Attitudes in Greek Twitter and the use of CLARIN:EL language processing tools, web services & collaborative text annotation platforms"
Presentation of the research question, the data collected as well as the CLARIN:EL language processing tools, web services and collaborative text annotation platforms used in this data-driven and linguistically inspired Verbal Aggression analysis framework in Greek Twitter during and after the Financial Crisis. The webinar was held using GoToMeeting platform. Members of Universities and Research Institutions from all over Greece attended the webinar (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Crete, National Centre of Social Research, Panteion University, Centre for the Greek Language).
Training event
7th CLARIN:EL Online Training Workshop: Presentation of CLARIN:EL language processing tools and/or web services
Presentation of CLARIN:EL language processing tools and/or web services to academic staff of the Panteion University and the University of Crete. The workshop was held using GoToMeeting platform.
Training event
Online lecture: "Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing"
The ILSP/ "ATHENA" RC and the Academy of Athens, organized an online lecture entitled: "Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing". The aim of the lecture was mainly informative and concerned the fields of application of AI mainly in Natural Language Processing (data mining etc.), as well as the ethical dilemmas arising from the use of "smart" algorithms. The lecture was made by Haris Papageorgiou, Research Director at the ILSP/"Athena" RC and member of the CLARIN:EL team.
Lecture / Informative event
Webinar on metadata creation & upload of language resources, tools and/or web services to the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure
Webinar on the documentation and upload of language resources and language processing tools and/or web services to the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure. The webinar was held using GoToMeeting platform. Members of Universities and Research Institutions from all over Greece attended the webinar (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Crete, Ionian University, National Centre of Social Research, Athens University of Economics and Business).
Training event
5th CLARIN:EL Webinar: "Presentation of CLARIN:EL language processing tools and/or web services"
Presentation of CLARIN:EL language processing tools and/or web services to academic staff of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh).
Training event
4th CLARIN:EL Webinar: "Presentation of the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure and training of curators of a network member"
Presentation of the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure and training of curators of the University of Crete on the use of the Greek infrastructure's metadata editor: i) documentation/metadata creation of language resources, tools and/or language processing web services, ii) uploading and sharing of language resources, tools and/or web services, iii) hands-on session.
Training event
CLARIN:EL participation in the Researchers' Night 2019
In September 2019, CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructre for Language Resources and Technologies participated in the Researchers' Night. Through presentations, videos, demos and smart quizzes, the audience had the opportunity to get acquainted with the Infrastructure, digital language resources and new methods of collecting, documenting, and processing them with the use of language processing tools and/or web services.
Dissemination event / Training event
CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure participates in the 84th Thessaloniki International Fair!
Presentation of the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure through various media (dissemination of material, publicity give-aways) in the context of the 84th Thessaloniki International Fair.
Dissemination event
1st Summer School in Digital Humanities
Presentation of the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure in the context of the 1st Summer School in Digital Humanities, organized by the Digital Curation Unit of the Institute for the Management of Information Systems and the APOLLONIS Infrastructure.
Summer School / Training / Informative event
3rd CLARIN:EL Webinar: "Training of curators of a network member"
Training of curators of the Centre for the Greek Language (CGL) on the use of the Greek infrastructure's metadata editor (CLARIN:EL Editor).
Training event
Language resources at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: CLARIN infrastructure, use and processing tools
Presentation of CLARIN and CLARIN:EL in the framework of the Greek national infrastructure project "Apollonis" with an emphasis on the content and tools available through the infrastructure. The event included actual hands-on examples of using the infrastructure for analyzing language and finally visualizing the findings.
Informative / Training event
2nd CLARIN:EL Webinar: "Training of curators of new network members"
Training of curators of the two new members of the Greek network; National Center for Social Research and Panteion University - Department of Political Science and History on the use of the Greek infrastructure's metadata editor.
Training event
Symposium: Open Science in the Greek Research Ecosystem
Flash talk for data management performed by CLARIN:EL as a key infrastructure of the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures.
Symposium / Informative event
1st CLARIN:EL Webinar: "Training of curators of a network member"T
Training of curators of the Centre for the Greek Language (CGL) on the use of the Greek infrastructure's metadata editor.
Training event
International Translation Day 2018
Presentation of the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure in the context of the International Translation Day and the event organized by the meta|φραση School of Translation Training on Saturday 29th of Semptember 2018 at the National Hellenic Research Foundation.
Informative event
CLARIN:EL Event - Language data and technologies in Social and Political Sciences
Event on Language Data and Technologies in Social and Political Sciences organized by ILSP, and attended by researchers of the two new Greek network members. Both institutions specialise on Social Sciences.
Training / Informative event