The Helpsdesks of the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure serve as the main contact point for a user for asking questions and receiving clarifications about technical and management issues, legal issues, or issues related to metadata creation and documentation of language resources, tools and/or services. You can also use CLARIN:EL Helpdesks to send us feedback or comments regarding CLARIN:EL language resources and/or language processing tools/services.
Technical helpdesk
Enabling CLARIN:EL users to ask questions concerning the CLARIN:EL software platform installation and use.
Legal helpdesk
Enabling CLARIN:EL users to ask questions concerning the use of licences, rights of use, IPR issues, etc.
Metadata helpdesk
Enabling CLARIN:EL users to ask questions concerning the CLARIN:EL metadata based LR documentation.
The CLARIN:EL helpdesks operate during weekdays, 09:00-17:00. In case of problems encountered during weekends and national holidays, helpdesk support is limited.