
EOSChubFREYA and SSHOC Projects are joining forces in shaping the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and organize on 16-19 November 2020 an online Conference entitled: "Realising the European Open Science Cloud - Towards a FAIR research data landscape for the social sciences, humanities and beyond".

Social science and humanities researchers, data experts, research funders, policy makers, and representatives from research infrastructures, service providers, research libraries and archives, the EOSC Ecosystem, and ESFRI Cluster projects are invited to join the EOSC online event so as to find out what these projects have to offer so far and how they can get involved in the EOSC.

Through interactive sessions, expert panels, live demonstrations, and THE FIRST EVER EOSC PROJECTS EXPO the Conference we’ll cover:

  • Data policy and governance
  • Technology and infrastructure
  • Training and community building
  • Sustainability management

More information on the agenda of the Conference and the registration form can be found here.