12-13 Sep 2023
Vienna, Austria

The 2nd International Workshop on Profiling linguistic knowledge graphs (ProLingKNOWER 2023) will be held in Vienna, Austria, on the 12th to 13th of September 2023.

The focus of this workshop is to reveal novel approaches, methodologies and frameworks on profiling Linguistic Linked Data (LLD) (corpora, lexicons, ontologies, etc.) as well as to highlight tools and user interfaces that can effectively assist different use cases for profiling such data. In addition, the workshop seeks methodologies that help effective profiling in building real-world Linked Data applications leveraging linguistic data, as well as use cases that reveal success stories or aspects that have been neglected so far. The benefits of addressing Linguistic Linked Data profiling issues will not only help in understanding and exploring such data, but also provide the means to increase Linguistic Linked Data consumption, and to maintain track of the evolution of the relevant datasets.

Paper submission deadline: 19 May 2023

More information can be found here.