The Onassis Foundation announces its annual scholarship programs for the academic year 2022-23. The candidates are kindly requested to carefully read the scholarship call that prescribes the terms and conditions of awarding a scholarship, the available specializations and levels of studies before filling in and submitting the relevant on-line application form.

Scholarships are open to all those holding Greek citizenship and/or of Greek nationality, or to graduates of Greek universities who hold a High School Diploma from Greece, regardless of their citizenship, provided that they have a legal residence permit in Greece.

For further information regarding the current announcement, the relevant terms, the application process and the supporting documents please review the Frequently Asked Questions and Scholarship Regulation or contact the Scholarships Department through email:  fpubynefuvc.nccyvpngvbaf@banffvf.betgro.sissano@snoitacilppa.pihsralohcs  or via phone: +30 210 37 13 053, -054, -055, -056, -057.

The deadline for the submission of applications is February 28, 2022. Applications submitted after the deadline are not accepted.

More information can be found here.