In this section you can find relevant information on how to register to CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure, the Greek network for the collection, documentation, curation and distribution of Language Resources and Technologies. Login to CLARIN:EL, share your data in a secure and stable environment and have access to hundreds of resources, tools and language processing web services!
1. Go to CLARIN:EL Central Inventory
In order to register to CLARIN:EL Infrastructure you need to redirect to the CLARIN:EL Central Inventory. Click on Go to Central Inventory button on the right top of the CLARIN:EL Portal or click here.
2. Register to CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure
Click on the Sign in button on the right top of the Central Inventory homepage.
3. Create account
You have three registration options:
if you are affiliated to an Organisation (University, Research Centre etc.), you can use your academic credentials (Academic ID) to login to CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure by clicking on Greek academic login button. In this case, you will be automatically connected to the Repository of your Organisation in CLARIN:EL.
If you are a member of the CLARIN ERIC European Infrastructure, you can use your CLARIN website credentials to login to CLARIN:EL by clicking on CLARIN Service Provider Federation login button.
If you do not have an academic account or you do not want to be automatically connected to the Repository of your Organisation:
- Click on Register with personal account button at the bottom of the registration page. In this case, we recommend that you use your personal email address.
- Provide all the necessary information in the form that appears and then click on Register with personal account button.
- You will receive an email with a link to confirm your address and agree to the CLARIN:EL Terms of Service & Privacy Policy.
- The procedure of registration with personal account has been completed.
After you have registered, every time you would like to use the Infrastructure, simply click on the Sign in button on the right top of the Central Inventory homepage, enter your credentials (email & password) on the form that appears on the right (with personal account) and click on the Log in button.
Access to the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure is open to the entire academic and research community, industry, but also to the public.
In particular, you can access CLARIN:EL as:
- Access the Central Inventory of the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure
- Access the metadata descriptions of all the CLARIN:EL language resources, processing tools and web services
- Search for language resources, processing tools and web services with a free text option (search with keywords) or using the faceted browsing functionality (search with filters)
- Download all open Language Resources (in accordance with the licensing terms and conditions of use imposed by the LR providers)
- Contact the Technical, Legal and Metadata Helpdesks of the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure for further information and/or questions
- Access the Central Inventory of the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure
- Access the metadata descriptions of all the CLARIN:EL language resources, processing tools and web services
- Search for language resources, processing tools and web services with a free text option (search with keywords) or using the faceted browsing functionality (search with filters)
- Download all Language Resources (not only the open ones) in accordance with the licensing terms and conditions of use imposed by the LR providers
- Use of all CLARIN:EL certified language processing web services provided by the Infrastructure
- Documentation, uploading and contribution of language resources, tools and web services through the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure
- Contact the Technical, Legal and Metadata Helpdesks of the CLARIN:EL Research Infrastructure for further information and/or questions
More info:
All registered users who are affiliated to an Organisation (e.g. University, Research Organisation etc.) can log in to the CLARIN:EL Central Inventory using their academic account (Academic ID).
You can find more information on how to register to the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure here.
Registered users who are affiliated to an Organisation-member of the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure (that maintains an Institutional Repository), deposit their language resources in the Insitutional Repository of the Organisation (“under the umbrella” of their Organisation). Registered users who are affiliated to an Organisation that is not a member of CLARIN:EL or that does not maintain an Institutional Repository, deposit their resources in the Hosted Resources Repository (HRR) with which they are automatically connected.
Registered users who are not affiliated to an Organisation and sign in to CLARIN:EL Infrastructure using their personal account, deposit their resources in the Hosted Resources Repository (HRR) with which they are automatically connected during the registration procedure.
More information about data sharing in the CLARIN:EL Infrastructure can be found in the CLARIN:EL User Manual here.
Learn more about CLARIN:EL user types, rights and permissions in the CLARIN:EL User Manual.